Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Newest Ridiculousness

Jet From Supermassive Black Hole Seen Blasting Neighboring Galaxy

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 18, 2007; A03

A jet of highly charged radiation from a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy is blasting another galaxy nearby -- an act of galactic violence that astronomers said yesterday they have never seen before.

Using images from the orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory and other sources, scientists said the extremely intense jet from the larger galaxy can be seen shooting across 20,000 light-years of space and plowing into the outer gas and dust of the smaller one.

The smaller galaxy is being transformed by the radiation and the jet is being bent before shooting millions of light-years farther in a new direction.

"What we've identified is an act of violence by a black hole, with an unfortunate nearby galaxy in the line of fire," said Dan Evans, the study leader at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge. He said any planets orbiting the stars of the smaller galaxy would be dramatically affected, and any life forms would likely die as the jet's radiation transformed the planets' atmosphere.

Black holes are generally thought of as mysterious cosmic phenomena that swallow matter, but the supermassive ones that occur at the center of many -- possibly all -- galaxies also set loose tremendous bursts of energy as matter swirls around the disk of material that circles the black hole but does not make it in.

That energy, often in the form of highly charged gamma rays and X-rays, shoots out in powerful jets that can be millions of light-years long and 1,000 light-years wide.

Scientists are just beginning to understand these jets, which not only transform matter in their path but also help produce "stellar nurseries," where new stars are formed.

Evans's collaborator, Martin Hardcastle of the University of Hertfordshire in England, said the collision they have identified began no more than 1 million years ago and could continue for 10 million to 100 million more years. Hardcastle called the collision a great opportunity to learn more about the jets.

"We see jets all over the universe, but we're still struggling to understand some of their basic properties," he said. "This system . . . gives us a chance to learn how they're affected when they slam into something -- like a galaxy -- and what they do after that."

The two galaxies are more than 1.4 billion light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy (a light-year equals about 6 trillion miles). But they are close to each other in cosmic terms -- about as far as the distance from Earth to the center of the Milky Way. That the two appear to be moving toward a merger may have played a role in creating such a powerful jet from the larger galaxy's central black hole.

The researchers said that the collision would have no effect on Earth, but the process is one that could play out in our galaxy a billion years into the future.

The galaxy Andromeda is the closest to the Milky Way, and the two are gradually coming closer to each other. In time, astronomers say, the two will merge, and the process may cause the dormant central black holes in either the Milky Way or Andromeda to become active and begin sending out similarly powerful jets.

If a jet were to hit Earth, Evans said, it would destroy the ozone layer and collapse the magnetosphere that blankets the planet and protects it from harmful solar particles. Without the ozone layer and magnetosphere, he said, much of life on Earth would end.

"This jet could be causing all sorts of problems for the smaller galaxy it is pummeling," Evans said.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist from the American Museum of Natural History in New York, said the discovery illustrates how researchers can now observe astronomical phenomena using many different tools and understand how they behave at many different points along the electromagnetic spectrum. Only when scientists measure a galaxy at all different wavelengths, he said, "can you really understand what's going on."

In making their discovery, the researchers used data from three orbiting instruments -- the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope -- as well as ground-based observatories including the Very Large Array telescope in New Mexico and Britain's Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network. The Astrophysical Journal will publish the results next year.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Latest Junk Science

Dark matter clues in oldest stars
By Liz Seward
Science reporter, York

A computer model of the early Universe indicates the first stars could have formed in spectacular, long filaments.

These structures, which may have been thousands of light-years across, would have been shaped by "dark matter".

Scientists know very little about this type of matter, even though it accounts for most of the mass in the cosmos.

The researchers told the British Association (BA) Festival of Science that their work could reveal the true nature of dark matter.

Liang Gao and Tom Theuns from Durham University, UK, also reported their findings in the journal Science.

Quick or slow

Astronomers believe that more than three-quarters of the matter in our Universe may be "dark". It does not reflect or emit detectable light, and so cannot be seen directly - but it does gravitationally pull on normal matter (the gas, stars, and planets we see in space).

It is this interaction that allows scientists to predict its existence - even if they cannot say what it is. Various types of exotic particle seem to be the favoured theory.

The new research, though, may give some clues as to dark matter's properties. Computer modelling suggests there is a link between the structures assumed by early stars and the temperature of the dark matter amongst them.

Tom Theuns, from Durham's Institute for Computational Cosmology, told the festival: "What we found for the first time is that the nature of the dark matter is crucial to the nature of the first stars.

"In cold dark matter the particles move very slowly; in warm dark matter they move very quickly," he explained.

"We found that if the dark matter consists of these fast moving particles, then the first stars form in very long, thin filaments.

"The filaments have a length about a quarter the size of the Milky Way and contain an amount of matter and gas about 10 million times the mass of the Sun, so that provides a lot of fuel for many stars."

Exotic collection

Some of the stars that formed within the filaments would have had a relatively low mass, which is of interest to astronomers as they have a long lifespan and could still survive today.

Dr Theuns added: "In stark contrast, what happens in (the simulation with) cold dark matter is very, very different.

"Here, the first stars formed in little lumps of dark matter, and just one star per dark matter lump. And these stars are probably very massive as well: 100 solar masses.

"Because these stars are so massive, they die very quickly; so you wouldn't find such stars in the Milky Way today," he said.

Scientists believe that the temperature of the dark matter indicates what kind of particles it is made of.

Warm dark matter would probably consist of exotic particles known as gravitinos, neutralinos and sterile neutrinos.

However, cold dark matter could comprise particles known as axions and wimps.

Observational pointers

The research team hopes answers could come from astronomers who are now scouring the skies to find signs of very old stars.

If dark matter is warm, then some of these very first stars may be in the Milky Way today.

However, detecting the massive stars formed in cold dark matter would require very powerful telescopes capable of "peering into the very distant Universe," Dr Theuns added.

"We don't know what the dark matter is, we don't know what the first stars are. If we bring these two problems together, when we know more about one, then we can say something about the other."

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Black Holes: Have They Reached Their Use-By-Date?

Black holes have garnered so much publicity over the years that they seem almost to have assumed themselves into existence, but on closer inspection the evidence underpinning their existence is not at all impervious to scrutiny. In fact, current research into black holes is turning up some fairly quirky results, which may prove correct Einstein's original hunch that black holes couldn't possibly exist, and ultimately show black hole advocates the door. As new observational devices and methods for detecting celestial objects become available, astonishing alternatives for phenomena normally associated with black holes - suspected to reside at the heart of most galaxies - abound. New theories include anything from dark matter or vacuum filled bubbles, to magnetic balls of plasma situated where a black hole should reside at the center of a quasar. Whether or not these theories represent a collective step toward a greater understanding of these mysterious celestial objects is anyone's guess.

To be fair, black holes (BHs) haven't really just been insinuated into reality, and scientists think that they have enough data and theory on their side to back up claims of their existence. But critics of BH theory are comforted by the knowledge that no one has yet seen a BH, and those supermassive celestial objects responsible for all manner of phenomena could in fact be anything. Theories suggesting that BHs may not even exist are bolstered further by a substantial weakness in BH theory; namely, the inability to reconcile Einstein's classical theory with quantum laws, which determine the behavior of fundamental fields and particles.

When the nuclear fuel of a star with a mass more than 3 times that of the sun runs out, it starts to collapse under the force of its own gravity, after which a singularity may form. Initially it was thought that such singularities might divulge the secrets of the universe's distant beginnings, but this, of course, turned out to be impossible. So much matter squeezed into such a small area of space creates a situation where nothing - not even light - can escape the powerful pull of gravity. Not without breaking some causal law, anyway. So getting a peek inside is out of the question.

Formed along with the singularity is what is known as an "event horizon," which Roger Penrose, Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University, says is an "essential feature" of a BH. "An observer in a space ship would notice nothing in particular happening as the horizon is crossed from the outside to the inside," writes Penrose in The Road To Reality. "Yet, as soon as that perilous journey has been undertaken, there is no return." While our hapless observer continues to be dragged in toward the singularity situated at the center, the subsequent tidal effects, says Penrose, "would mount very rapidly to infinity, totally destroying the observer in less than a minute." The infinity property associated with BHs is based on a mathematical model that predicts matter will continue to cascade into an infinitely dense singularity, where space and time no longer hold sway. This may turn out to be different if, say, some new physical laws came into existence, which may arise as a consequence of finally merging classical models with quantum laws.

As it stands, however, scientists are quite happy to accept that BHs exist because of a number of measured phenomena that are quite convincing when correlated. Why? Well, when a BH orbits a companion star, for instance, it produces distinctive intermittent x-rays as it sucks up material from its counterpart's surface. These particular x-rays are integral to detecting BHs, as scientists use the x-rays to determine the BH's distinctive size and gravitational strength. But for some scientists, a nagging doubt still persists as to the true nature of the powerful bodies that exist at the center of galaxies.

A recent deep intergalactic survey conducted by a group of European and American scientists to ferret out supermassive black holes in nearby galaxies found, to their surprise, remarkably few of them. They presumed that because they couldn't find them, they must be hiding behind thick clouds of dust, which only the strongest of x-rays could penetrate. Based on data from the European Space Agency's International Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (Integral), only 15 percent of these hidden black holes were found, which was later revised by NASA to be around 10 percent. "Integral is a telescope that should see nearby hidden black holes, but we have come up short," said Volker Beckmann, of NASA Goddard and the University of Maryland.

The problem lies in the fact that even taking into account the hidden BHs that they have found, they cannot adequately account for the quantity of cosmic background x-rays already known to exist. One theory to explain the shortfall, according to team leader Loredana Bassani, is that these hidden BHs are better at hiding than scientists first thought. "The fact that we do not see them does not necessarily mean that they are not there, just that we don't see them. Perhaps they are more deeply hidden than we think and so are therefore below even Integral's detection limit," said Bassani. Not very encouraging, so it's not surprising that there's a swathe of alternative theories beginning to surface.

But let's back up a bit to what Penrose was saying about event horizons, as he claims that they are an "essential" aspect of BHs. If event horizons did not exist the universe would no longer be protected by the singularity at a BH's center, which is a very bad thing, in case you're wondering. As we've already discovered, physical laws related to time and space cease to exist, theoretically, near a singularity, so things could get really bizarre if not for the protective shield of the event horizon. So vital is this weirdness shield that Penrose argues that no singularity can ever be "naked," a hypothesis that he calls "cosmic censorship." Bassani might be confident that BHs are out there even though no one can seem to find them, but what if someone said that they had devised a theory showing that a particular BH did not have an event horizon? Would you call it a BH or a BS theory?

If no event horizon existed it would obviously mean that the consensus on black hole theory is either flawed or that black holes don't exist in the form outlined by those theories. But astrophysicist Rudy Schild, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, says that there is even more bad news for black hole theory. Schild's paper, entitled "Observations Supporting The Intrinsic Magnetic Moment Inside The Central Compact Object Within The Quasar Q0957+561," is concerned with the characteristic properties of one particular quasar, called Q0957+561. The scientific consensus is that quasars are powered by the accretion of matter onto supermassive black holes within the nuclei of far-flung galaxies, and to test the veracity of this consensus Schild trained no less than 14 telescopes upon the quasar. As with other investigations as this type, Schild analyzed the flickerings of the quasar and used micro-lensing to determine its scale and internal properties.

Schild crosschecked all available data relating to black hole theories with his own findings and found that all of the "plausible black hole models" were "unsatisfactory." Schild considered the findings produced by his team's analysis to be extremely important, and described the center of the quasar as a "new non-standard magnetically dominated internal structure," which he thereafter dubbed the Schild-Vakulik Structure. Schild concluded that the Schild-Vakulik structure in quasar Q0957+561 was consistent within the context of the Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object (MECO) model. Subsequently, Schild concluded: "Since observations of the Schild-Vakulik structure within Q0957+561 imply that this quasar contains an observable intrinsic magnetic moment, this represents strong evidence that the quasar does not have an event horizon." The existence of a MECO coupled with the absence of an event horizon means that there is not a black hole to be seen in Schild's theory.

If Schild's theory proves to be correct it would seem that black hole theory as we know it will cease to exist. Many scientists disagree with Schild's theory, and it will be interesting to see how events unfold in regard to the Schild-Vakulik structure. However, even if Schild's theory does turn out to be wrong, it still leaves science somewhat in the dark about black holes, or whatever massive objects lie at the center of galaxies. Perhaps there is some overlap of the differing theories posited, and inconsistencies between theories arise from us not yet having the full picture. Or maybe we need to distinguish what the other 90 percent of the universe is comprised of before we can arrive at any conclusions about black holes. Only time will tell.

Denying The Existence Of Time

16 June 2005
Denying The Existence Of Time
By Rusty Rockets

Perhaps humans invented the concept of time out of mortal fear; reasoning that if time were tangible then its degenerative march could be controlled, just as mankind has tried to subdue other aspects of the natural world. Immortality would be within our grasp! But while time may be a convenient metronome that delivers neatly portioned slivers of existence to conscious beings, the idea of a ‘universal time’ is looking increasingly fanciful, at least to some physicists.

One individual, Peter Lynds, has put his reputation on the line to try and prove that thinking of time and motion in measured segments, like frames in a film, is wrong-headed. Funnily enough, that’s what his critics think of his theory. Lynds goes as far as saying that if instants, rather than intervals, of time were a cosmological truth, then none of us would be here today. In fact no physical object, no mass or energy down to the smallest of particles would ever be in motion. This is probably not the sort of immortality that our ancestors had in mind.

The most amazing thing about this whole story is that Lynds is not a trained scientist. But he does have a passionate interest in physics and he is also a huge fan of Einstein’s work. Lynds’ theory, Time and Classical and Quantum Mechanics: Indeterminacy vs. Continuity, has caused quite a commotion amongst academics, some even saying that his theory is a hoax and that Lynds doesn’t actually exist. Skepticism and scorn of Lynds’ work has continued but this barrage of criticism doesn’t look like it will shut him up anytime soon.

Much of the opposition to Lynds’ ideas can be attributed to his questioning of scientific orthodoxy. He doesn’t mind suggesting that Einstein, Hawking and other respected figures are just plain wrong. He claims some theories are redundant, such as ‘imaginary’ time, and others just need modification, such as further developing Einstein’s theories so as to iron out some of the contradictions. Most of these would take up too much space in trying to explain; so concentrating on Lynds’ main theme will be the goal here.

In the beginning there was darkness… and there was no time. Time becomes immaterial in empty space, and demonstrates clearly that without objects-in-motion - mass and energy - there is nothing to measure the relative passing of time. So how God knew what day it was in the beginning is anyone’s guess. But we digress. Time is relative to mass and energy, there is no ideal universal clock. As a concept, time cannot precede mass and energy, simply because the idea of time is reliant on the relative motions of celestial bodies. As Lynds says: “if there is no mass-energy, there is no space-time;” both are fixed and enmeshed. Because of this, time also has no direction or flow, as we conceive it subjectively; “it is the relative order of events that is important.” This is what led Lynds to claim that there is “no precise static instant in time underlying a dynamical physical process.”

The Greek mathematician Zeno conjured up a famous paradox that involved halving the distance between starting and end-points in time and space. The paradox involves a person trying to move from point A to point B. In order to move from point A, say, your doorway, to point B, say the pub, you must first reach half the distance between A and B, but before that, you must first reach half of that distance. And before that, you must first reach half of that distance and so on ad infinitum. You’ll never reach the pub! Zeno’s paradox seems to make a mockery out of divvying up time to conveniently suit scientific purposes but we know that this doesn’t happen in the real world.

For example, when you are driving in your car, your speed is relative to the road beneath you. There is no point on your journey that could be called one instant in time. It can only be an interval of time. Even if you took a photograph of the car travelling along the road, the photograph would be an interval related to the speed of the camera, perhaps a thirtieth of a second. It doesn’t matter how much you reduce the time interval, it will always still be an interval, rather than an instant.

If there are no measured instants then there is no infinity paradox, which demonstrates that there is no actual time measurement. In short, there is only relative motion between objects, and the order in which they occur. To make it even more confusing, Lynds proposes that this theory demonstrates that a body in motion has no distinct position or coordinate.

This basic account of Lynds’ theory brings us back to human perceptions of time and why the brain needs to have a concept of time. We are finite beings in an infinite universe (as far as we know) and understanding the universe requires that we are able to measure the events and objects that make up the universe. Being able to control our physical environment by allocating and referring to time in ‘instants’ is a handy way of dealing with the problem. But it seems increasingly likely that we need to change the way in which we approach, observe and evaluate the universe’s dimensions before we have any hope of understanding any of the universe’s mysteries. Perhaps Lynds’ theory is just what we need to get started.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Rethinking Relativity

by Tom Bethell

No one has paid attention yet, but a well-respected physics journal just published an article whose conclusion, if generally accepted, will undermine the foundations of modern physics--Einstein's theory of relativity in particular. Published in Physics Letters A (December 21, 1998), the article claims that the speed with which the force of gravity propagates must be at least twenty billion times faster than the speed of light. This would contradict the special theory of relativity of 1905, which asserts that nothing can go faster than light. This claim about the special status of the speed of light has become part of the world view of educated laymen in the twentieth century.

Special relativity, as opposed to the general theory (1916), is considered by experts to be above criticism, because it has been confirmed "over and over again." But several dissident physicists believe that there is a simpler way of looking at the facts, a way that avoids the mind-bending complications of relativity. Their arguments can be understood by laymen. I wrote about one of these dissidents, Petr Beckmann, over five years ago (TAS, August 1993, and Correspondence, TAS, October 1993). The present article introduces new people and arguments. The subject is important because if special relativity is supplanted, much of twentieth-century physics, including quantum theory, will have to be reconsidered in that light.

The article in Physics Letters A was written by Tom Van Flandern, a research associate in the physics department at the University of Maryland. He also publishes Meta Research Bulletin, which supports "promising but unpopular alternative ideas in astronomy." In the 1990's, he worked as a special consultant to the Global Positioning System (GPS), a set of satellites whose atomic clocks allow ground observers to determine their position to within about a foot. Van Flandern reports that an intriguing controversy arose before GPS was even launched. Special relativity gave Einsteinians reason to doubt whether it would work at all. In fact, it works fine. (But more on that later.)

The publication of his article is a breakthrough of sorts. For years, most editors of mainstream physics journals have automatically rejected articles arguing against special relativity. This policy was informally adopted in the wake of the Herbert Dingle controversy. A professor of science at the University of London, Dingle had written a book popularizing special relativity, but by the 1960's he had become convinced that it couldn't be true. So he wrote another book, Science at the Crossroads (1972), contradicting the first. Scientific journals, especially Nature, were bombarded with his (and others') letters.

An editor of Physics Letters A promised Van Flandern that reviewers would not be allowed to reject his article simply because it conflicted with received wisdom. Van Flandern begins with the "most amazing thing" he learned as a graduate student of celestial mechanics at Yale: that all gravitational interactions must be taken as instantaneous. At the same time, students were also taught that Einstein's special relativity proved that nothing could propagate faster than light in a vacuum. The disagreement "sat there like an irritant," Van Flandern told me. He determined that one day he would find its resolution. Today, he thinks that a new interpretation of relativity may be needed.

The argument that gravity must travel faster than light goes like this. If its speed limit is that of light, there must be an appreciable delay in its action. By the time the Sun's "pull" reaches us, the Earth will have "moved on" for another 8.3 minutes (the time of light travel). But by then the Sun's pull on the Earth will not be in the same straight line as the Earth's pull on the Sun. The effect of these misaligned forces "would be to double the Earth's distance from the Sun in 1200 years." Obviously, this is not happening. The stability of planetary orbits tells us that gravity must propagate much faster than light. Accepting this reasoning, Isaac Newton assumed that the force of gravity must be instantaneous.

Astronomical data support this conclusion. We know, for example, that the Earth accelerates toward a point 20 arc-seconds in front of the visible Sun--that is, toward the true, instantaneous direction of the Sun. Its light comes to us from one direction, its "pull" from a slightly different direction. This implies different propagation speeds for light and gravity.

It might seem strange that something so fundamental to our understanding of physics can still be a matter of debate. But that in itself should encourage us to wonder how much we really know about the physical world. In certain Internet discussion groups, "the most frequently asked question and debated topic is 'What is the speed of gravity?'" Van Flandern writes. It is heard less often in the classroom, but only "because many teachers and most textbooks head off the question." They understand the argument that it must go very fast indeed, but they also have been trained not to let anything exceed Einstein's speed limit.

So maybe there is something wrong with special relativity after all.

In The ABC of Relativity (1925), Bertrand Russell said that just as the Copernican system once seemed impossible and now seems obvious, so, one day, Einstein's relativity theory "will seem easy." But it remains as "difficult" as ever, not because the math is easy or difficult (special relativity requires only high-school math, general relativity really is difficult), but because elementary logic must be abandoned. "Easy Einstein" books remain baffling to almost all. The sun-centered solar system, on the other hand, has all along been easy to grasp. Nonetheless, special relativity (which deals with motion in a straight line) is thought to be beyond reproach. General relativity (which deals with gravity, and accelerated motion in general) is not regarded with the same awe. Stanford's Francis Everitt, the director of an experimental test of general relativity due for space-launch next year, has summarized the standing of the two theories in this way: "I would not be at all surprised if Einstein's general theory of relativity were to break down," he wrote. "Einstein himself recognized some serious shortcomings in it, and we know on general grounds that it is very difficult to reconcile with other parts of modern physics. With regard to special relativity, on the other hand, I would be much more surprised. The experimental foundations do seem to be much more compelling." This is the consensus view.

Dissent from special relativity is small and scattered. But it is there, and it is growing. Van Flandern's article is only the latest manifestation. In 1987, Petr Beckmann, who taught at the University of Colorado, published Einstein Plus Two, pointing out that the observations that led to relativity can be more simply reinterpreted in a way that preserves universal time. The journal he founded, Galilean Electrodynamics, was taken over by Howard Hayden of the University of Connecticut (Physics), and is now edited by Cynthia Kolb Whitney of the Electro-Optics Technology Center at Tufts. Hayden held colloquia on Beckmann's ideas at several New England universities, but could find no physicist who even tried to put up an argument.

A brief note on Einstein's most famous contribution to physics--the formula that everyone knows. When they hear that heresy is in the air, some people come to the defense of relativity with this question: "Atom bombs work, don't they?" They reason as follows: The equation E = mc2 was discovered as a byproduct of Einstein's (special) theory of relativity. (True.) Relativity, they conclude, is indispensable to our understanding of the way the world works. But that does not follow. Alternative derivations of the famous equation dispense with relativity. One such was provided by Einstein himself in 1946. And it is simpler than the relativistic rigmarole. But few Einstein books or biographies mention the alternative. They admire complexity, and cling to it.

Consider Clifford M. Will of Washington University, a leading proponent of relativity today. "It is difficult to imagine life without special relativity," he says in Was Einstein Right? "Just think of all the phenomena or features of our world in which special relativity plays a role. Atomic energy, both the explosive and the controlled kind. The famous equation E=mc2 tells how mass can be converted into extraordinary amounts of energy." Note the misleading predicate, "plays a role." He knows that the stronger claim, "is indispensable," would be pounced on as inaccurate. Is there an alternative way of looking at all the facts that supposedly would be orphaned without relativity? Is there a simpler way? A criterion of simplicity has frequently been used as a court of appeal in deciding between theories. If it is made complex enough, the Ptolemaic system can predict planetary positions correctly. But the Sun-centered system is much simpler, and ultimately we prefer it for that reason.

Tom Van Flandern says the problem is that the Einstein experts who have grown accustomed to "Minkowski diagrams and real relativistic thinking" find the alternative of universal time and "Galilean space" actually more puzzling than their own mathematical ingenuities. Once relativists have been thoroughly trained, he says, it's as difficult for them to rethink the subject in classical terms as it is for laymen to grasp time dilation and space contraction. For laymen, however, and for those physicists who have not specialized in relativity, which is to say the vast majority of physicists, there's no doubt that the Galilean way is far simpler than the Einsteinian.

Special relativity was first proposed as a way of sidestepping the great difficulty that arose in physics as a result of the Michelson-Morley experiment (1887). Clerk Maxwell had shown that light and radio waves share the same electromagnetic spectrum, differing only in wave length. Sea waves require water, sound waves air, so, it was argued, electromagnetic waves must have their own medium to travel in. It was called the ether. "There can be no doubt that the interplanetary and interstellar spaces are not empty," Maxwell wrote, "but are occupied by a material substance or body, which is certainly the largest, and probably the most uniform body of which we have any knowledge." As today's dissidents see things, it was Maxwell's assumption of uniformity that was misleading.

The experiment of Michelson and Morley tried to detect this ether. Since the Earth in its orbital motion must plow through it, an "ether wind" should be detectable, just as a breeze can be felt outside the window of a moving car. Despite repeated attempts, however, no ethereal breeze could be felt. A pattern of interference fringes was supposed to shift when Michelson's instrument was rotated. But there was no fringe shift.

Einstein explained this result in radical fashion. There is no need of an ether, he said. And there was no fringe shift because the speed of an approaching light wave is unaffected by the observer's motion. But if the speed of light always remains the same, time itself would have to slow down, and space contract to just the amount needed to ensure that the one divided by the other--space divided by time--always gave the same value: the unvarying speed of light. The formula that achieved this result was quite simple, and mathematically everything worked out nicely and agreed with observation.

The skeptical, meanwhile, were placated with this formula: "I know it seems odd that time slows down and space contracts when things move, but don't worry, a measurable effect only occurs at high velocities--much higher than anything we find in everyday life. So for all practical purposes we can go on thinking in the same old way." (Meanwhile, space and time have been subordinated to velocity. Get used to it.)

Now we come to some modern experimental findings. Today we have very accurate clocks, accurate to a billionth of a second a day. The tiny differentials predicted by Einstein are now measurable. And the interesting thing is this: Experiments have shown that atomic clocks really do slow down when they move, and atomic particles really do live longer. Does this mean that time itself slows down? Or is there a simpler explanation?

The dissident physicists I have mentioned disagree about various things, but they are beginning to unite behind this proposition: There really is an ether, in which electromagnetic waves travel, but it is not the all-encompassing, uniform ether proposed by Maxwell. Instead, it corresponds to the gravitational field that all celestial bodies carry about with them. Close to the surface (of sun, planet, or star) the field, or ether, is relatively more dense. As you move out into space it becomes more attenuated. Beckmann's Einstein Plus Two introduces this hypothesis, I believe for the first time, and he told me it was first suggested to him in the 1950's by one of his graduate students, Jiri Pokorny, at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics in Prague. Pokorny later joined the department of physics at Prague's Charles University, and today is retired. I believe that all the facts that seem to require special or general relativity can be more simply explained by assuming an ether that corresponds to the local gravitational field. Michelson found no "ether wind," or fringe shift, because of course the Earth's gravitational field moves forward with the Earth. As for the bending of starlight near the Sun, the confirmation of general relativity that made Einstein world-famous, it is easily explained given a non-uniform light medium. It is a well known law of physics that wave fronts do change direction when they enter a denser medium. According to Howard Hayden, refracted starlight can be derived this way "with a few lines of high school algebra." And derived exactly. The tensor calculus and Riemannian geometry of general relativity gives only an approximation. Likewise the "Shapiro Time-Delay," observed when radar beams pass close to the Sun and bounce back from Mercury. Some may prefer to try to understand all this in terms of the "curvature of space-time," to use the Einstein formulation (unintelligible to laymen, I believe). But they should know that a far simpler alternative exists.

The advance of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit, another famous confirmation of general relativity, is worth a closer look. (The perihelion is the point in the orbit closest to a sun.) Graduate theses may one day be written about this peculiar episode in the history of science. In his book, Subtle Is the Lord, Abraham Pais reports that when Einstein saw that his calculations agreed with Mercury's orbit, "he had the feeling that something actually snapped in him.... This experience was, I believe, by far the strongest emotional experience in Einstein's scientific life, perhaps in all his life. Nature had spoken to him." Fact: The equation that accounted for Mercury's orbit had been published 17 years earlier, before relativity was invented. The author, Paul Gerber, used the assumption that gravity is not instantaneous, but propagates with the speed of light. After Einstein published his general-relativity derivation, arriving at the same equation, Gerber's article was reprinted in *Annalen der Physik* (the journal that had published Einstein's relativity papers). The editors felt that Einstein should have acknowledged Gerber's priority. Although Einstein said he had been in the dark, it was pointed out that Gerber's formula had been published in Mach's Science of Mechanics, a book that Einstein was known to have studied. So how did they both arrive at the same formula?

Tom Van Flandern was convinced that Gerber's assumption (gravity propagates with the speed of light) was wrong. So he studied the question. He points out that the formula in question is well known in celestial mechanics. Consequently, it could be used as a "target" for calculations that were intended to arrive at it. He saw that Gerber's method "made no sense, in terms of the principles of celestial mechanics." Einstein had also said (in a 1920 newspaper article) that Gerber's derivation was "wrong through and through."

So how did Einstein get the same formula? Van Flandern went through his calculations, and found to his amazement that they had "three separate contributions to the perihelion; two of which add, and one of which cancels part of the other two; and you wind up with just the right multiplier." So he asked a colleague at the University of Maryland, who as a young man had overlapped with Einstein at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study, how in his opinion Einstein had arrived at the correct multiplier. This man said it was his impression that, "knowing the answer," Einstein had "jiggered the arguments until they came out with the right value."

If the general relativity method is correct, it ought to apply everywhere, not just in the solar system. But Van Flandern points to a conflict outside it: binary stars with highly unequal masses. Their orbits behave in ways that the Einstein formula did not predict. "Physicists know about it and shrug their shoulders," Van Flandern says. They say there must be "something peculiar about these stars, such as an oblateness, or tidal effects." Another possibility is that Einstein saw to it that he got the result needed to "explain" Mercury's orbit, but that it doesn't apply elsewhere.

The simplest way to understand all this "without going crazy," Van Flandern says, is to discard Einsteinian relativity and to assume that "there is a light-carrying medium." When a clock moves through this medium "it takes longer for each electron in the atomic clock to complete its orbit." Therefore it makes fewer "ticks" in a given time than a stationary clock. Moving clocks slow down, in short, because they are "ploughing through this medium and working more slowly." It's not time that slows down. It's the clocks. All the experiments that supposedly "confirm" special relativity do so because all have been conducted in laboratories on the Earth's surface, where every single moving particle, or moving atomic clock, is in fact "ploughing through" the Earth's gravitational field, and therefore slowing down.

Both theories, Einsteinian and local field, would yield the same results. So far. Now let's turn back to the Global Positioning System. At high altitude, where the GPS clocks orbit the Earth, it is known that the clocks run roughly 46,000 nanoseconds (one-billionth of a second) a day faster than at ground level, because the gravitational field is thinner 20,000 kilometers above the Earth. The orbiting clocks also pass through that field at a rate of three kilometers per second--their orbital speed. For that reason, they tick 7,000 nanoseconds a day slower than stationary clocks.

To offset these two effects, the GPS engineers reset the clock rates, slowing them down before launch by 39,000 nanoseconds a day. They then proceed to tick in orbit at the same rate as ground clocks, and the system "works." Ground observers can indeed pin-point their position to a high degree of precision. In (Einstein) theory, however, it was expected that because the orbiting clocks all move rapidly and with varying speeds relative to any ground observer (who may be anywhere on the Earth's surface), and since in Einstein's theory the relevant speed is always speed relative to the observer, it was expected that continuously varying relativistic corrections would have to be made to clock rates. This in turn would have introduced an unworkable complexity into the GPS. But these corrections were not made. Yet "the system manages to work, even though they use no relativistic corrections after launch," Van Flandern said. "They have basically blown off Einstein."

The latest findings are not in agreement with relativistic expectations. To accommodate these findings, Einsteinians are proving adept at arguing that if you look at things from a different "reference frame," everything still works out fine. But they have to do the equivalent of standing on their heads, and it's not convincing. A simpler theory that accounts for all the facts will sooner or later supplant one that looks increasingly Rube Goldberg-like. I believe that is now beginning to happen.

Dingle's Question:

University of London Professor Herbert Dingle showed why special relativity will always conflict with logic, no matter when we first learn it. According to the theory, if two observers are equipped with clocks, and one moves in relation to the other, the moving clock runs slower than the non-moving clock. But the relativity principle itself (an integral part of the theory) makes the claim that if one thing is moving in a straight line in relation to another, either one is entitled to be regarded as moving. It follows that if there are two clocks, A and B, and one of them is moved, clock A runs slower than B, and clock B runs slower than A. Which is absurd.

Dingle's Question was this: Which clock runs slow? Physicists could not agree on an answer. As the debate raged on, a Canadian physicist wrote to Nature in July 1973: "Maybe the time has come for all of those who want to answer to get together and to come up with one official answer. Otherwise the plain man, when he hears of this matter, may exercise his right to remark that when the experts disagree they cannot all be right, but they can all be wrong."

The problem has not gone away. Alan Lightman of MIT offers an unsatisfactory solution in his Great Ideas in Physics (1992). "[T]he fact that each observer sees the other clock ticking more slowly than his own clock does not lead to a contradiction. A contradiction could arise only if the two clocks could be put back together side by side at two different times." But clocks in constant relative motion in a straight line "can be brought together only once, at the moment they pass." So the theory is protected from its own internal logic by the impossibility of putting it to a test. Can such a theory be said to be scientific? --TB

Tom Van Flandern's Meta Research Bulletin ($15) and his book, Dark Matter, Missing Planets ($24.50), may be obtained from P.O. Box 15186, Chevy Chase, MD 20825; Petr Beckmann's Einstein Plus Two ($40) from Golem Press, P.O. Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306. Beckmann's book is highly technical; Van Flandern's is mostly accessible to laymen. Tom Bethell is TAS's Washington correspondent. His new book, The Noblest Triumph, was recently published by St. Martin's Press. (Posted 4/28/99) (The American Spectator, April 1999).

Observational Cosmology: From High Redshift Galaxies to the Blue Pacific

  • December, 2005 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

Birth of galaxies

Observed: Ejection of high redshift, low luminosity quasars from active galaxy nuclei.

Shown by radio and X-ray pairs, alignments and luminous connecting filaments. Emergent velocities are much less than intrinsic redshift. Stripping of radio plasmas. Probabilities of accidental association negligible. See Arp, 20034 for customarily supressed details.

Observed: Evolution of quasars into normal companion galaxies.

The large number of ejected objects enables a view of empirical evolution from high surface brightness quasars through compact galaxies. From gaseous plasmoids to formation of atoms and stars. From high redshift to low.

Figure 1

..ejection wake from the center of NGC 7319..

Enhanced Hubble Space Telescope image showing ejection wake from the center of NGC 7319 (redshift z = 0.022) to within about 3.4 arcsec of the quasar (redshift z = 2.11)

Observed: Younger objects have higher intrinsic redshifts.

In groups, star forming galaxies have systematically higher redshifts, e. g. spiral galaxies. Even companions in evolved groups like our own Andromeda Group or the nearby M81 group still have small, residual redshift excesses relative to their parent.

Observed: X-ray and radio emission generally indicate early evolutionary stages and intrinsic redshift.

Plasmoids ejected from an active nucleus can fragment or ablate during passage through galactic and intergalactic medium which results in the forming of groups and clusters of proto galaxies. The most difficult result for astronomers to accept is galaxy clusters which have intrinsic redshifts. Yet the association of clusters with lower redshift parents is demonstrated in Arp and Russell, 20011. Individual cases of strong X-ray clusters are exemplified by elongations and connections as shown in the ejecting galaxy Arp220, in Abell 3667 and from NGC 720 (again, summarized in Arp, 20034). Motion is confirmed by bow shocks and elongation is interpreted as ablation trails. In short — if a quasar evolves into a galaxy, a broken up quasar evolves into a group of galaxies.

Redshift is the key

Observed: The whole quasar or galaxy is intrinsically redshifted.

Objects with the same path length to the observer have much different redshifts and all parts of the object are shifted closely the same amount. Tired light is ruled out and also gravitational redshifting.

The fundamental assumption: Are particle masses constant?

The photon emitted in an orbital transition of an electron in an atom can only be redshifted if its mass is initially small. As time goes on the electron communicates with more and more matter within a sphere whose limit is expanding at velocity c. If the masses of electrons increase, emitted photons change from an initially high redshift to a lower redshift with time (see Narlikar and Arp, 19936)

Predicted consequences: Quasars are born with high redshift and evolve into galaxies of lower redshift.

Near zero mass particles evolve from energy conditions in an active nucleus. (If particle masses have to be created sometime, it seems easier to grow things from a low mass state rather than producing them instantaneously in a finished state.)

DARK MATTER: The establishment gets it right, sort of.

In the Big Bang, gas blobs in the initial, hot universe have to condense into things we now see like quasars and galaxies. But we know hot gas blobs just go poof! Lots of dark matter (cold) had to be hypothesized to condense the gas cloud. They are still looking for it.

But low mass particles must slow their velocities in order to conserve momentum as their mass grows. Temperature is internal velocity. Thus the plasmoid cools and condenses its increasing mass into a compact quasar. So maybe we have been observing dark matter ever since the discovery of quasars! After all, what's in a name?

Figure 2

Schematic representation of quasars and companion galaxies..

Schematic representation of quasars and companion galaxies found associated with central galaxies from 1966 to present. The progression of characteristics is empirical but is also required by the variable mass theory of Narlikar and Arp, 19936

Observed: Ambarzumian sees new galaxies.

In the late 1950's when the prestigious Armenian astronomer, Viktor Ambarzumian was president of the International Astronomical Union he said that just looking at pictures convinced him that new galaxies were ejected out of old. Even now astronomers refuse to discuss it, saying that big galaxies cannot come out of other big galaxies. But we have just seen that the changing redshift is the key that unlocks the growth of new galaxies with time. They are small when they come from the small nucleus. Ambarzumian's superfluid just needed the nature of changing redshift. But Oort and conventional astronomers preferred to condense hot gas out of a hot expanding universe.

Observed: The Hubble Relation.

An article of faith in current cosmology is that the relation between faintness of galaxies and their redshift, the Hubble Relation, means that the more distant a galaxy is the faster it is receding from us. With our galaxy redshifts a function of age, however, the look back time to a distant galaxy shows it to us when it was younger and more intrinsically redshifted. No Doppler recession needed!

The latter non-expanding universe is even quantitative in that Narlikar's general solution of the General Relativistic equations (m = t2) gives a Hubble constant directly in term of the age of our own galaxy. (H0 = 51 km/sec × Mpc for age of our galaxy = 13 billion years). The Hubble constant observed from the most reliable Cepheid distances is H0 = 55 (Arp, 20023). What are the chances of obtaining the correct Hubble constant from an incorrect theory with no adjustable parameters? If this is correct there is negligible room for expansion of the universe.

Observed: The current Hubble constant is too large.

A large amount of observing time on the Hubble Space Telescope was devoted to observing Cepheid variables whose distances divided into their redshifts gave a definitive value of H0 = 72. That required the reintroduction of Einstein's cosmological constant to adjust to the observations. But H0 = 72 was wrong because the higher redshift galaxies in the sample included younger (ScI) galaxies which had appreciable intrinsic redshifts.

Independent distances to these galaxies by means of rotational luminosity distances (Tully-Fisher distances) also showed this class of galaxies had intrinsic redshifts which gave too high a Hubble constant (Russell, 20028) In fact well known clusters of galaxies gives H0's in the 90's (Russell, private communication) which clearly shows that neither do we have a correct distance scale or understanding of the nature of galaxy clusters.

DARK ENERGY: Expansion now claimed to be acceleration.

As distance measures were extended to greater distances by using Supernovae as standard candles it was found that the distant Supernovae were somewhat too faint. This led to a smaller H0 and hence an acceleration compared to the supposed present day H0 = 72. Of course the younger Supernovae could be intrinsically fainter and also we have seen the accepted present day H0 is too large. Nevertheless astronomers have again added a huge amount of undetected substance to the universe to make it agree with properties of a disproved set of assumptions. This is called the accordance model but we could easily imagine another name for it.

Physics — local and universal

Instead of extrapolating our local phenomena out to the universe one might more profitably consider our local region as a part of the physics of the universe.

Note: Flat space, no curves, no expansion.

The general solution of energy/momentum conservation (relativistic field equations) which Narlikar made with m = t2 gives a Euclidean, threedimensional, uncurvedspace. The usual assumption that particle masses are constant in time only projects our local, snapshot view onto the rest of the universe.

In any case it is not correct to solve the equations in a non-general case. In that case the usual procedure of assigning curvature and expansion properties to the mathematical term space (which has no physical attributes!) is only useful for excusing the violations with the observations caused by the inappropriate assumption of constant elementary masses.

Consequences: Relativity theory can furnish no gravity.

Space (nothing) can not be a rubber sheet. Even if there could be a dimple — nothing would roll into it unless there was a previously existing pull of gravity. We need to find a plausible cause for gravity other than invisible bands pulling things together.

Required: Very small wave/particles pushing against bodies.

In 1747 the Genevoise philosopher-physicist George-Louis Le Sage postulated that pressure from the medium which filled space would push bodies together in accordance with the Newtonian Force = 1/r2 law. Well before the continuing fruitless effort to unify Relativistic gravity and quantum gravity, Le Sage had solved the problem by doing away with the need to warp space in order to account for gravity.

Advantages: The Earth does not spiral into the Sun.

Relativistic gravity is assigned an instantaneous component as well as a component that travels with the speed of light, c. If gravity were limited to c, the Earth would be rotating around the Sun where it was about 8 minutes ago. By calculating under the condition that no detectable reduction in the size of the Earth's orbit has been observed, Tom Van Flandern arrives at the minimum speed of gravity of 2 × 1010 c. We could call these extremely fast, extremely penetrating particles gravitons.

A null observation saves causality.

The above reasoning essentially means that gravity can act as fast as it pleases, but not instantaneously because that would violate causality. This is reassuring since causality seems to be an accepted property of our universe (except for some early forms of quantum theory).

Black holes into white holes.

In its usual perverse way all the talk has been about black holes and all the observations have been about white holes. Forget for a moment that from the observer's viewpoint it would take an infinity of time to form a black hole. The observations show abundant material being ejected from stars, nebulae, galaxies, quasars. What collimates these out of a region in which everything is supposed to fall into? (Even ephemeral photons of light.) After 30 years of saying nothing comes out of black holes, Stephen Hawking now approaches the observations saying maybe a little leaks out.

Question: What happens when gravitons encounter a black hole?

If the density inside the concentration of matter is very high the steady flux of gravitons absorbed will eventually heat the core and eventually this energy must escape. After all it is only a local concentration of matter against the continuous push of the whole of intergalactic space. Is it reasonable to say it will escape through the path of least resistance, for example through the flattened pole of a spinning sphere which is usual picture of the nucleus? Hence the directional nature of the observed plasmoid ejections.

Planets and people

In our own solar system we know the gas giant planets increase in size as we go in toward the Sun through Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. On the Earth's side of Jupiter, however, we find the asteroid belt. It does not take an advanced degree to come to the idea that the asteroids are the remains of a broken up planet. But how? Did something crash into it? What does it mean about our solar system?

Mars: The Exploding Planet Hypothesis.

We turn to a real expert on planets, Tom Van Flandern. For years he has argued in convincing detail that Mars, originally bigger than Earth, had exploded visibly scarring the surface of its moon, the object we now call Mars. One detail should be especially convincing, namely that the present Mars, unable to hold an atmosphere, had long been considered devoid of water, a completely arid desert. But recent up-close looks have revealed evidence for water dumps, lots of water in the past which rapidly went away. Where else could this water have come from except the original, close-by Mars as it exploded?

For me the most convincing progression is the increasing masses of the planets from the edge of the planetary system toward Jupiter and then the decreasing masses from Jupiter through Mercury. Except for the present Mars! But that continuity would be preserved with an original Mars larger than Earth and its moon larger than the Earth's moon.

As for life on Mars, the Viking lander reported bacteria but the scientist said no. Then there was controversy about organic forms in meteorites from Mars. But the most straight forward statement that can be made is that features have now been observed that look artificial to some. Obviously no one is certain at this point but most scientists are trained to stop short of articulating the obvious.

Gravitons: Are planets part of the universe?

If a universal sea of very small, very high speed gravitons are responsible for gravity in galaxies and stars would not these same gravitons be passing through the solar system and the planets in it? What would be the effect if a small percentage were, over time, absorbed in the cores of planets?

Speculation: What would we expect?

Heating the core of a gas giant would cause the liquid/gaseous planet to expand in size. But if the core of a rocky planet would be too rigid to expand it would eventually explode. Was the asteroid planet the first to go? Then the original Mars? And next the Earth?

Geology: Let's argue about the details.

Originally it was thought the Earth was flat. Then spherical but with the continents anchored in rock. When Alfred Wegener noted that continents fitted together like jigsaw puzzle and therefore had been pulled apart, it was violently rejected because geologists said they were anchored in basaltic rock. Finally it was found that the Atlantic trench between the Americas and Africa/Europe was opening up at a rate of just about right for the Earth's estimated age (Kokus, 20025). So main stream geologists invented plate tectonics where the continents skated blythly around on top of this anchoring rock!

In 1958 the noted Geologist S. Warren Carey and in 1965 K. M. Creer (in the old, usefully scientific Nature Magazine) were among those who articulated the obvious, namely that the Earth is expanding. The controversy between plate tectonics and expanding Earth has been acrid ever since. (One recent conference proceedings by the latter adherents is Why Expanding Earth? (Scalera and Jacob, 20037).

Let's look around us.

The Earth is an obviously active place. Volcanos, earthquakes, island building. People seem to agree the Atlantic is widening and the continents separating. But the Pacific is violently contested with some satellite positioning claiming no expansion. I remember hearing S. Warren Carey painstakingly interpreting maps of the supposed subduction zone where the Pacific plate was supposed to be diving under the Andean land mass of Chile. He argued that there was no debris scraped off the supposedly diving Pacific Plate. But in any case, where was the energy coming from to drive a huge Pacific plate under the massive Andean plate?

My own suggestion about this is that the (plate) is stuck, not sliding under. Is it possible that the pressure from the Pacific Basin has been transmitted into the coastal ranges of the Americas where it is translated into mountain building? (Mountain building is a particularly contentious disagreement between static and expanding Earth proponents.)

It is an impressive, almost thought provoking sight, to see hot lava welling up from under the southwest edge of the Big Island of Hawaii forming new land mass in front of our eyes. All through the Pacific there are underground vents, volcanos, mountain and island building. Is it possible this upwelling of mass in the central regions of the Pacific is putting pressure on the edge? Does it represent the emergence of material comparable to that along the Mid Atlantic ridge on the other side of the globe?

The future: Life as an escape from danger.

The galaxy is an evolving, intermittently violent environment. The organic colonies that inhabit certain regions within it may or may not survive depending on how fast they recognize danger and how well they adapt, modify it or escape from it. Looking out over the beautiful blue Pacific one sees tropical paradises. On one mountain top, standing on barely cool lava, is the Earth's biggest telescope. Looking out in the universe for answers. Can humankind collectively understand these answers? Can they collectively ensure their continued appreciation of the beauty of existence.


  1. Arp H. and Russell D. G. A possible relationship between quasars and clusters of galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2001, v. 549, 802-819
  2. Arp H. Pushing Gravity, ed. by M. R. Edwards, 2002, 1.
  3. Arp H. Arguments for a Hubble constant near H0 = 55. Astrophysical Journal, 2002, 571, 615ֶ18.
  4. Arp H. Catalog of discordant redshift associations. Apeiron, Montreal, 2003.
  5. Kokus M. Pushing Gravity, ed. by M. R. Edwards, 2002, 285.
  6. Narlikar J. and Arp H. Flat spacetime cosmology — a unified framework for extragalactic redshifts. Astrophysical Journal, 1993, 405, 51-56.
  7. Scalera G. and Jacob K.-H. (editors). Why expanding Earth? Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologoia, Technisch Univ. Berlin, publ. INGV Roma, Italy, 2003.
  8. Russell D. G. Morphological type dependence in the Tully-Fisher relationship. Astrophysical Journal, 2004, v. 607, 241-246.
  9. Van Flandern T. Dark matter, missing planets and new comets. 2nd ed., North Atlantic Books, Berkely, 1999.
  10. Van Flandern T. Pushing Gravity, ed. by M. R. Edwards, 2002, 93.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The latest and greatest absurdity!

Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, a team of astronomers has discovered a ghostly ring of dark matter that formed long ago during a titanic collision between two massive galaxy clusters. The ring's discovery is among the strongest evidence yet that dark matter exists.

Astronomers have long suspected the existence of the invisible substance as the source of additional gravity that holds together galaxy clusters. Such clusters would fly apart if they relied only on the gravity from their visible stars. Although astronomers don't know what dark matter is made of, they hypothesize that it is a type of elementary particle that pervades the universe.

"This is the first time we have detected dark matter as having a unique structure that is different from both the gas and galaxies in the cluster," said team member M. James Jee of the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins.

The researchers spotted the ring unexpectedly while they were mapping the distribution of dark matter within the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17 (ZwCl 0024+1652), located 5 billion light-years from Earth. The ring measures 2.6 million light-years across. Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can infer its existence in galaxy clusters by observing how its gravity bends the light of more distant background galaxies.

"Although the invisible matter has been found before in other galaxy clusters, it has never been detected to be so largely separated from the hot gas and the galaxies that make up galaxy clusters," Jee said. "By seeing a dark-matter structure that is not traced by galaxies and hot gas, we can study how it behaves differently from normal matter."

During the scientists' dark-matter analysis, they noticed a ripple in the mysterious substance, somewhat like the ripples created in a pond from a stone plopping into the water.

"I was annoyed when I saw the ring because I thought it was an artifact, which would have implied a flaw in our data reduction," Jee explained. "I couldn't believe my result. But the more I tried to remove the ring, the more it showed up. It took more than a year to convince myself that the ring was real. I've looked at a number of clusters, and I haven't seen anything like this."

Curious about why the ring was in the cluster and how it had formed, Jee found previous research that suggested the cluster had collided with another cluster 1 billion to 2 billion years ago.

The research, published in 2002 by Oliver Czoske of the Argeleander-Institut fur Astronomie at the Universitat Bonn, was based on spectroscopic observations of the cluster's three-dimensional structure. The study revealed two distinct groupings of galaxy clusters, indicating a collision between both clusters.

Astronomers have a head-on view of the collision because it occurred fortuitously along Earth's line of sight. From this perspective, the dark-matter structure looks like a ring.

Computer simulations of galaxy cluster collisions, created by the team, show that when two clusters smash together, the dark matter falls to the center of the combined cluster and sloshes back out. As the dark matter moves outward, it begins to slow down under the pull of gravity and pile up, like cars bunched up on a freeway.

"By studying this collision, we are seeing how dark matter responds to gravity," said team member Holland Ford, also of Johns Hopkins. "Nature is doing an experiment for us that we can't do in a lab, and it agrees with our theoretical models."

Dark matter makes up most of the universe's material. Ordinary matter, the stuff of stars and planets, comprises only a few percent of the universe's matter.

Tracing dark matter is not an easy task because it does not shine or reflect light.

Astronomers can only detect its influence by how its gravity affects light. To find it, astronomers study how faint light from more distant galaxies is distorted and smeared into arcs and streaks by the gravity of the dark matter in a foreground galaxy cluster, a powerful trick called gravitational lensing. By mapping the distorted light, astronomers can deduce the cluster's mass and trace how dark matter is distributed in the cluster.

"The collision between the two galaxy clusters created a ripple of dark matter that left distinct footprints in the shapes of the background galaxies," Jee explained. "It's like looking at the pebbles on the bottom of a pond with ripples on the surface. The pebbles' shapes appear to change as the ripples pass over them. So, too, the background galaxies behind the ring show coherent changes in their shapes due to the presence of the dense ring."

Jee and his colleagues used Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys to detect the faint, distorted, faraway galaxies behind the cluster that cannot be resolved with ground-based telescopes.

"Hubble's exquisite images and unparalleled sensitivity to faint galaxies make it the only tool for this measurement," said team member Richard White of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

Previous observations of the Bullet Cluster with Hubble and the Chandra X-ray Observatory presented a sideways view of a similar encounter between two galaxy clusters. In that collision, the dark matter was pulled apart from the hot cluster gas, but the dark matter still followed the distribution of cluster galaxies. Cl 0024+17 is the first cluster to show a dark matter distribution that differs from the distribution of both the galaxies and the hot gas.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Exploding the Big Bang

David Pratt

If light from stars or galaxies is passed through a prism or grating, a spectrum is obtained, consisting of a series of lines and bands. These spectra can be used to identify the atomic elements present in the objects concerned, as each element has a distinct spectral "signature." But if we compare the spectral lines of distant galaxies with those produced by the same elements on earth, we find that in every case the lines are displaced towards longer (redder) wavelengths. This is known as the redshift, and is the subject of intense controversy. The majority of astronomers and cosmologists subscribe to the big bang theory, and interpret the redshift to mean that all galaxies are flying apart at high speed and that the universe is expanding. A growing minority of scientists, however, maintains that the redshift is produced by other causes, and that the universe is not expanding. As astronomer Halton Arp remarks in Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science, "one side must be completely and catastrophically wrong" [1].

G. de Purucker rejected the theory of an expanding universe or expanding space as "little short of being a scientific pipe-dream or fairy-tale," and suggested that the redshift might be caused by light losing energy during its long voyage through space [2]. This is known as the tired-light theory, and is supported by several astronomers. Paul LaViolette and Tom Van Flandern, for example, have reviewed several observational tests of the different interpretations of the redshift, and conclude that the tired-light, non-expanding-universe model explains the data much better than the expanding-universe hypothesis [3]. To bring the big bang model into line with observations, constant adjustments have to be made to its "free parameters" (i.e. fudge factors).

According to the big bang theory, a galaxy's redshift is proportional to its recession velocity, which increases with its distance from earth. In the tired-light model, too, we would expect redshift to be proportional to distance. The fact that this is not always the case shows that other factors must be involved. Numerous examples of galaxies at the same distance having very different redshifts are given in the landmark book Seeing Red by Halton Arp, who works at the Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik in Germany. He also gives many examples of how, for over 30 years, establishment astronomers and cosmologists have systematically tried to ignore, dismiss, ridicule, and suppress this evidence -- for it is fatal to the hypothesis of an expanding universe. Like other opponents of the big bang, he has encountered great difficulties getting articles published in mainstream journals, and his requests for time on ground-based and space telescopes are frequently rejected.

Arp argues that redshift is primarily a function of age, and that tired light plays no more than a secondary role. He presents abundant observational evidence to show that low-redshift galaxies sometimes eject high-redshift quasars in opposite directions, which then evolve into progressively lower-redshift objects and finally into normal galaxies. Ejected galaxies can, in turn, eject or fission into smaller objects, in a cascading process. Within galaxies, the youngest, brightest stars also have excess redshifts. The reason all distant galaxies are redshifted is because we see them as they were when light left them, i.e. when they were much younger. About seven local galaxies are blueshifted. The orthodox view is that they must be moving towards us even faster than the universe is expanding, but in Arp's theory, they are simply older than our own galaxy as we see them.

To explain how redshift might be related to age, Arp and Jayant Narlikar suggest that instead of elementary particles having constant mass, as orthodox science assumes, they come into being with zero mass, which then increases, in steps, as they age. When electrons in younger atoms jump from one orbit to another, the light they emit is weaker, and therefore more highly redshifted, than the light emitted by electrons in older atoms. To put it another way: as particle mass grows, frequency (clock rate) increases and therefore redshift decreases.

When astronomers first saw active, disturbed galaxies neighboring each other, they immediately jumped to the conclusion that they were in the process of colliding. Arp comments: "By ignoring the empirical evidence for ejection from galaxies, they illustrated an unfortunate tendency in science, namely that when presented with two possibilities, scientists tend to choose the wrong one" (p. 104). Despite the modern mania for galaxy mergers and black holes, it is ejection processes that are the most ubiquitous, and may provide a key to redshift anomalies.

In the 1950s, after some initial reluctance, astronomers came to accept the evidence that jets of radio-wave-emitting material could be ejected in opposite directions from the nuclei of active galaxies. Further examples of ejection are provided by spiral galaxies: large knots are sometimes seen along spiral arms, and companion galaxies on the ends of the arms. There is fierce resistance, however, to the idea that high-redshift objects can be ejected by low-redshift galaxies, because this would demolish the fundamental assumption on which the big bang is built -- that the redshift is caused entirely by recession velocities. Nevertheless, the evidence is compelling. Pairs of ejected objects often line up on either side of active galaxies and are connected to their parent galaxy by luminous filaments ("umbilical cords"). However, establishment scientists insist that all cases where low-redshift and high-redshift objects appear to be physically associated are merely chance combinations of foreground and background objects, and they attribute the connecting filaments to "noise" or "instrument defects."

Mainstream astronomers believe that the normally very high redshifts of quasars indicate that they are situated near the edge of the visible universe, and are rushing away from us at velocities approaching the speed of light. To explain why many quasars lie very close to low-redshift galaxies, it is fashionable nowadays to invoke the theory of gravitational lensing: the image of a background quasar is supposedly split into multiple bright images by the gravitational field of a foreground galaxy with a large mass. The Einstein Cross, for example, consists of four quasars aligned across a central galaxy of lower redshift, and is regarded as a prime example of gravitational lensing -- despite the fact that Fred Hoyle calculated the probability of such a lensing event as less than two chances in a million, and despite the presence of connecting material between the quasars and the galaxy nucleus! The assumption that redshift equals velocity has led to galaxy masses being overestimated, and more reasonable estimates indicate that genuine gravitational lens effects are probably very rare.

If the universe is expanding, redshifts should show a continuous range of values. Instead, however, they are "quantized," i.e. they tend to be multiples of certain basic units, the main ones (expressed as velocities) being 72.4 km/s and 37.5 km/s. This phenomenon, says Arp, "is so unexpected that conventional astronomy has never been able to accept it, in spite of the overwhelming observational evidence" (p. 195). He suggests that redshift quantization could be due to episodes of matter creation taking place at regular intervals.

The redshift-equals-velocity assumption has led big bangers to conclude that galaxies in groups and clusters are moving much faster than they really are, and since the galaxies' visible mass cannot account for these rapid motions, this has given rise to the current obsession with "dark matter." Some 90% of the matter in the universe supposedly consists of this hypothetical, never-detected stuff. Arp, however, shows that in every group of galaxies investigated, companion galaxies always have systematically higher redshifts than the central galaxy they are orbiting. The only reasonable explanation for this is that companion galaxies have intrinsic, excess redshifts arising from their younger age; they are born from the central galaxy and expelled into its near neighborhood. In galaxy clusters, too, smaller, younger galaxies have been found to have excess redshifts. Redshift quantization indicates that the orbital velocities of galaxies must be less than 20 km/s, otherwise the periodicity would be washed out. Once this is accepted, the need for immense quantities of dark matter vanishes.

In addition to the redshift, another important piece of "evidence" for the big bang is said to be the cosmic microwave background radiation of 2.7 kelvins, which is supposedly the afterglow of the primordial explosion. Arp, however, argues that the extraordinary smoothness of the background radiation provides strong evidence against an expanding universe. A much simpler explanation is that we are seeing the temperature of the intergalactic medium.

Current expanding-universe theory seems headed for oblivion, but the large number of professionals with vested interests in its preservation means that its demise is likely to take a very long time. Even some mystically or theosophically minded writers have tended to jump on the big bang bandwagon, believing that the theory is essentially correct, provided we recognize the workings of divine intelligence going on behind the scenes. But even divine intelligence would not be able to save the big bang!

The idea that space can expand like elastic is one of the many illogical features of the standard big bang model. Space must be infinite, for if it is finite, where does it end and what lies beyond? It's true that big bangers have concocted a theory which allows space to curve round upon itself so that it is both finite and boundless -- but this merely indicates the extent to which they have abandoned reality in favor of abstract mathematical theorizing. If space is infinite, then clearly it cannot expand for, as H. P. Blavatsky says, "infinite extension admits of no enlargement." She also indicates that the "outbreathing" of Brahmâ (the cosmic divinity), as described in Hindu philosophy, refers not to a physical increase in size but to a "change of condition" -- "the development of limitless subjectivity into as limitless objectivity" (The Secret Doctrine 1:62-3). In other words, outbreathing and inbreathing can refer to the unfoldment of the One (the spiritual summit of a world-system) into the many (the lower, material realms), and the subsequent reabsorption of the many into the One, in a never-ending cycle, or cosmic heartbeat, of evolution and involution.

Arp is one of a growing number of scientists who are returning to the idea of an infinite, eternal universe, subject to constant transformations [4]. He believes that matter is created continually -- not from nothing, but from the materialization of mass-energy existing in a diffuse state, in the form of the all-pervading "quantum sea" or "zero-point field." The universe, he says, is constantly unfolding from many different points within itself. He also believes that after a certain interval elementary particles may decay, so that matter merges back into the quantum sea. This closely corresponds to the theosophical notion of periodical materialization and etherealization, except that in theosophy the process is not confined to our physical plane but embraces higher worlds of consciousness-substance as well -- worlds whose existence is pointed to by a wide variety of physical phenomena [5].

Our Milky Way galaxy is a member of the Local Group of galaxies, which belongs to the Virgo Supercluster, and our nearest neighbor is the Fornax Supercluster. What do we know about what lies beyond? Mainstream cosmologists insist that we know a great deal. Powerful telescopes reveal many faint, fuzzy objects with high redshifts that are assumed to represent distant clusters and superclusters, which form immense sheets of galaxies, separated by huge voids. Arp writes:

An enormous amount of modern telescope time and staff is devoted to measuring redshifts of faint smudges on the sky. It is called "probing the universe." So much time is consumed, in fact, that there is no time at all available to investigate the many crucial objects which disprove the assumption that redshift measures distance. (p. 69)

He says that, given the misinterpretation of the redshift, distances may be wrong by factors of 10 to 100, and luminosities and masses may be wrong by factors up to 10,000: "We would have a totally erroneous picture of extragalactic space, and be faced with one of the most embarrassing boondoggles in our intellectual history" (p. 1). He presents many pieces of evidence indicating that some faint "galaxy clusters" actually consist of young objects ejected from nearby active galaxies. The same applies to most of the rather peculiar-looking objects to be seen in the "Hubble Deep Field," a famous image of very high-redshift and supposedly extremely distant galaxies.

We have no reliable way of knowing how far the local Virgo and Fornax Superclusters are from the next superclusters, and there is therefore no certainty that any of the objects we observe lies outside them. In other words, we may be seeing far less of the universe than is generally believed. Even some of Arp's closest allies are very reluctant to contemplate the possibility that the cosmic distance scale as a whole is seriously wrong. Whether Arp's radical views will be confirmed remains to be seen, but he is undoubtedly right when he says: "We are certainly not at the end of science. Most probably we are just at the beginning!" (p. 249).


  1. Apeiron (http://redshift.vif.com), 1998, p. ii.
  2. G. de Purucker, Fountain Source of Occultism, Theosophical University Press (TUP), 1974, pp. 80-1; Esoteric Teachings, Point Loma Publications, 1987, 3:28-30; The Esoteric Tradition, 2nd ed., TUP, 1973, pp. 435-8n.
  3. Paul LaViolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The ancient science of continuous creation, Rochester, VE: Bear and Company, 2004, pp. 280-3, 288-95 (http://etheric.com); Tom Van Flandern, "Did the Universe Have a Beginning?," Meta Research Bulletin, 3:3, 1994, www.metaresearch.org.
  4. See Halton C. Arp, C. Roy Keys and Konrad Rudnicki, eds., Progress in New Cosmologies: Beyond the Big Bang, Plenum, 1993.
  5. See "Worlds within worlds", http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/worlds.htm.

Published in Sunrise, December 1998/January 1999.

Big bang, black holes, and common sense

Black holes, redshifts, and bad science

Cosmology and the big bang


Concerning the Morphology of Galactic Evolution

Current Controversies

The Arp Controversy Revisited

Concerning the Morphology of Galactic Evolution

Nick Kollerstrom

Unpublished Review of

Halton Arp Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations 2003, Apeiron, Quebec

Seldom can so much theory have hinged upon an observation.

Halton Arp's new book, reviewed here by N Kollerstrom, features a paradigm-shattering colour photo of this galaxy plus quasar.

The photograph was taken by David Strange, a Dorset amateur astronomer, clearly showing ( figure opposite) the 'luminous bridge' between them .

Does this picture reveal the secret of the universe, that galaxies bud to form quasars of higher redshift?

A recent Astronomy & Astrophysics report, based on observations at La Palma, has endorsed the notion that a galaxy (NGC 7603) and its nearby companion of very different redshift, are physically linked: it is its authors found 'the most impressive case of a system of anomalous redshifts discovered so far' 1. As early as 1971 Fred Hoyle described this galaxy plus companion as 'The case where it is hardest to deny the evidence 2' - and the evidence here concerns what one might call a 'forbidden link,' impossible within modern cosmology: then in 1983 Hoyle alluded to 'the manifest fact that NGC 7603 is connected to its satellite3 ' Is this indeed a manifest fact, or is it a mere error in perception as modern cosmology would have it? Do the new observational data comprise a crucial experiment, and if so what implications would there be? For an answer this we turn to the theories and the new book of Mr Halton Arp.

If one views the form of a spiral galaxy, it can appear more as having unfolded out from a centre, rather than having condensed inwards from homogeneous matter in space. That antithesis does quite well express the contrast between Arp's views, and current cosmological theories. We have become conditioned to the idea of black holes at galactic centres, as a logical consequence and end-result of the Big Bang. Let's try instead to envisage Arp's view, of galactic centres as white holes, from which the matter of galaxies has emerged. Creation, out of nothing?

A long-term study of galactic morphology, using at times the most powerful telescopes available, over four decades, has lead Arp to his beyond-the-pale conclusion, that galaxies bud, fission, and grow in ways they are definitely not supposed to do. Much of his book Seeing Red was an account of how his papers have been rejected or marginalized - and, not one single astronomy journal reviewed it! Galaxies grow, Arp theorises, from quasars. Arp argues that, repeatedly, filaments are seen to connect quasars with their parent galaxies. That is the crux of his argument. Far from being the gigantic entities they are cracked up to be, out on the very edge of the universe, quasars are generally ejected in equal and opposite pairs along the galactic axis, the hub of its rotation. They have their high-redshifts because they are newly-formed. That's the shock! The great error of 20th century cosmology, claims Arp, was to infer an immense distance because of their very high redshift. There are too many instances of their appearing adjacent to galaxies in equal and opposite pairs on either side of the galaxy, and with visible connecting filaments. This is especially the case for galaxies having high-energy centres (called, 'Seyfert' galaxies): these tend to have quasar-pairs ejected along or somewhere near to their rotation axis.

Arp presents a wealth of data indicating that redshifts vary both between galaxies and within stars of our own galaxy in ways that cannot really be interpreted as recessional velocity - as Hubble proposed in 1930. This book argues against the Big Bang, by undermining the Hubble logic which 'sees' the universe as expanding. Personally, I have always found that the notion of an expanding universe, with recessional velocity proportional to distance from us, but with no centre to this expansion, to be a thing which causes rational logic to disintegrate. Admittedly, one may well feel that this sort of behaviour of budding and ejection, is more appropriate for small things in a fishpond, than for galaxies in the depths of space.

Let's have some quotes from Mr Arp on the matter. Concerning the mid-twentieth century discovery that radio sources were being ejected from galaxies in pairs with filaments connecting them: "This fundamentally changed our view of galaxies: rather than vast, placid aggregates of majestically orbiting stars, dust and gas, it became clear that their centres were the sites of enormous, variable outpourings of energy 4. Some of the radio sources turned out to be quasars: "... The quasars are at much higher redshift than the galaxies from which they originate ... The redshifts, which are very high as the newly created matter emerges from its zero-mass state, continue to diminish as the mass of the matter grows 5." Arp has argued that redshifts are quantised, ie appear in discrete increments, rather than being continuous as one would predict if they expressed recessional velocity.

The startling part of Arp's cosmology has to be matter-creation at galactic centres: "A further advantage of this white hole scheme is that the new matter is created at the very centre of mass concentrations where the spin axis represents the direction of least resistance and can channel it out in opposite directions ... the new matter must initially emerge with the speed of light because, being at zero mass, it is essentially an energy wave and travelling at signal velocity. It will slow down as it gains mass as calculated by Narlikar and Das.." 6.

The 'cosmic background radiation' was discovered in 1965 and widely hyped as decisive evidence of the Big Bang, a sort of tone left over from that distant singularity. I never quite experienced the force of this argument, so was quite relieved to find Mr Arp explaining that, "In the non-expanding universe an obvious and much simpler explanation for the CBR is that we are simply seeing the temperature of the underlying extragalactic medium." He commented that its "extraordinary smoothness ... seems to me to be a very strong argument for a non-expanding universe."

Back in 1911 it was discovered that bright, blue stars had higher redshifts. As an undergraduate, Arp corresponded with the discoverer of this effect (W.Campbell) as to whether it could imply that such blue stars (in our galaxy) were streaming away from us, but clearly that was unfeasible. His explanation is that the blue stars tend to be younger and therefore have the greater redshifts. Thus he arrived at his heretical concept of "intrinsic redshifts in stars."

Two galaxies were found apparently in the act of merging (NGC2775 and NGC2777), which Arp views in reverse, as a galaxy caught in the act of budding! The younger one was almost totally devoid of metal-indicating spectral lines, "marking the galaxy as so young that successive generations of stellar evolution have not had time to enrich the metal content 7." This pair of galaxies, whether merging or budding, offered "a powerful example of a companion with a higher redshift than its parent." One cannot have one of the galaxies at a greater distance to account for their redshifts, because the two galaxies are manifestly interacting. "The companion even has an umbilical cord, a streamer of neutral hydrogen (H1) leading back toward the larger galaxy." Against the notion that these two galaxies are merging, Arp argues reasonably that "The H1 from NGC2777 leads directly back towards the center of NGC 2775, implying the companion originated directly from that nucleus. Two galaxies falling together would have some transverse component of velocity and, therefore, not fall directly together but have a parabolic encounter." He added, "Companions around a main galaxy would have to orbit for the order of 15 billion years and only fall in for an encounter."

Paradigm Shift?

It was always unlikely that quasars should be thousands of times brighter than any previously known extragalactic source - it was a hint that the axioms had gone wildly wrong. The topic offers a fascinating study of how observation and theory are intertwined. For decades, astronomers have refused to 'see' a close proximity of quasars to parent galaxies. I suggest that the astronomical community is facing a paradigm-shift, as Thomas Kuhn described years ago in his classic The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, whereby a definition gets to be widened. At present astronomers are 'guarding' the simple identity redshift=distance which is the Hubble paradigm, and 'beyond the pale' cosmologists like Hoyle, Burbidge and Arp have wanted to assign to redshift also a second meaning, one alarmingly different in terms of traditional concepts. The question revolves around what we wish to permit matter to do. I suggest that if and when the switchover occurs it will permit us for the first time to have a real experience of how galaxies form.

Two generations of astronomers have now been probing the 'edge' of the universe under the impression that redshift must indicate distance. Much academic prestige is invested in this concept, in terms of viewing time on the world's most powerful telescopes. It may be time for astronomers to take a step back, and review the axioms which they wish to rely upon. For example, is 90% of the universe 'missing?' Cosmologists continue not to find this 'dark matter', and may eventually wish to consider Arp's view that this is a spurious problem resulting from scale-factor errors, generated by illusory redshift-inferred distances (p.188). on Arp's view the Andromeda galaxy has a blue-shift (a negative red-shift) because it is older than our Milky Way (p69). A more usual view would be that the Andromeda nebula is hurtling towards us, for no known reason, and so appears with a 'doppler' blue-shift.

Seeing Red Arp's master-work has many reviews up on the web, but they have all been printed in alternative-type journals, none astronomy. It is written in a personal and passionate style and its author is respected by his opponents as having been in the thick of the 20th-century cosmological debate. The UK Government department 'PIPARC' brackets subatomic physics and astronomy under the same aegis, and Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy and the Cavendish 'particle-physics' Laboratory face each other across the Madingley Road: one suspects that further debates are going to be required between these departments, as and when Mr Arp's theories start to be taken seriously.


Hoyle's View

Hoyle always supported Arp - as Dr Jane Gregory, who is composing a biography of Fred Hoyle, explained to me. Jane works in the same department as me (the STS Dept at UCL) and told me how she had an interview with Sir Fred before he died: he kept showing her images of the filaments linking galaxies to adjacent quasars). This was clearly expressed in his 1983 The Quasar Controversy Resolved as well as in his last (posthumous) book co-authored with the eminent cosmologists Burbidge and Narlikar: A Different Approach to Cosmology: From a static Universe through the Big Bang towards Reality. Hoyle coined the term 'Big Bang' in 1950, in a derisive and skeptical sense, and his last title politely informs the reader of its erroneous nature. Through this book Arp is cast as the heroic pioneer, e.g. concerning how astronomers terminated his profession of astronomy in America in the early 1980s: 'Thus, Arp was the subject of one of the most clear-cut and successful attempts in modern times to block research which it was felt, correctly, would be revolutionary in its impact if it were to be adopted 8'. The authors endorses Arp's argument, e.g.: 'It is clear that over the past 20 years a great deal of evidence has been found which shows that many QSOs [quasi-stellar objects = quasars] with large redshifts are physically associated with galaxies having much smaller redshifts 9. The closure of his US career was surely beneficial, inasmuch as it resulted in Arp moving to Berlin's Max Plank Astrophysics Institute, with its new, X-ray telescope. He could re-examine objects he had earlier viewed through an optical telescope at the X-ray wavelength, as revealed their most energetic parts.

Recent controversy

A NASA website put up a Hubble image of the NGC 4319 galaxy and the quasar 'Merkarian 205' that Arp (and Hoyle) had claimed were connected by a filament, but its image seemed to show them as quite separate. "An overwhelming abundance of evidence long ago convinced virtually all astronomers that quasars are indeed at the vast distances indicated by their redshifts" it explained 10. Why, how reassuring, to hear that 'virtually all astronomers' agree on this fundamental issue. In fact a billion light-years separated the apparently conjoined objects, the NASA site explained. Concurrently, an article in the MNRAS dismissed Arp's concept of redshift quantisation. 11 Does this mean that Arp's views are now yesterday's news? A rebuttal of these charges swiftly appeared in Science 12 with comments by astronomer Geoffrey Burbidge describing the MNRAS article as "a real piece of dishonesty." It alluded to the NASA website of the Hubble image and showed a picture in colour, indicating a filament connection between the quasar and galaxy. Burbidge's reply in the MNRAS soon followed 13. Seldom can so much theory have hinged upon an observation. Arp's new book features a paradigm-shattering colour photo of this galaxy plus quasar, taken by a Dorset amateur astronomer, clearly showing (See Figure) the 'luminous bridge' between them 14. Does this picture reveal the secret of the universe, that galaxies bud to form quasars of higher redshift.

The above-mentioned Spanish paper described the luminous filaments connecting NGC 7603 and its 'daughter' companion and in addition discerned that two small objects in the luminous bridge have much higher redshifts than either of the objects which it connects. There is a long tradition in science of the notion of a 'crucial experiment,' around which debate is supposed to hinge, and it is hard to see how an observation could get much more crucial than this one.

Recent books by Halton Arp:

Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science Apeiron, Quebec, 1998

Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations Apeiron, Quebec, 2003


1 M.Lopez-Corredoira & C.Gutierrez, A&A 2002 390, L15-18

2 Hoyle, F., J.V.Narlikar, 'On the Nature of Mass' Nature 1971 233, 41-44, 41

3 Hoyle, F. The Quasar Controversy Resolved, 1983, Cardiff, p.26

4 Arp, Halton Seeing Red Apeiron Montreal 1998 p.4

5 Ibid, p.7

6 Ibid, p.231

7 Ibid, p103

8 F.Hoyle, G.Burbidge & J.Narlikar, A Different Approach to Cosmology From a Static Universe through the Big Bang towards reality. CUP 2000, p.134.

9 Ibid. p.140

10 http://heritage.stsci.edu/2002/23/table.html

11 Hawkins E. et. al., MNRAS 2002 336 L13-L16. 12 G.Schilling, 'New Results reawaken quasar Distance Dispute' Science 2002 298, 11 Oct., p.345

13 W.Napier & G.Burbidge, MNRAS 2003, 342, 601-604

14 Taken by amateur astronomer David Strange with a 50 cm. Telescope in Dorset at Worth Hill Observatory: www.dstrange.freeserve.co.uk; Arp, Catalogue of discordant Redshift observations, Apeiron, Montreal p.227.